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Monday 8 November 2010

Angkor wat Temple

Angkor Wat face to the west represent sunset or represents Vishu’s direction. From this cause way to five entrances is 250 m. middle entrance for high position of official and Bhranman and the king enter is entrance. Next to the mid entrance on the right this entrance for common Bhranman. Next to the middle entrance on the left this entrance for common official. At the end of the right entrance for transportation something by elephants house cart.
          The time of building Angkor is 30 years and the people of Cambodia is over 16 millions including Cham Chiness and Vietnamess.
          These 5 entrances were restored by the king Jayavarman 7 at the end of 12th century. King Jayavarman 7 enshrined the statue of Buddha in these entrances including the statue of Vhisu that represent the idol’s soul. The people in Siem reap called this statue Taraja.
          In hindu trinity there are three gods one is Vhisu is the gods who preserves the world and he is represent as 4 arm man carrying 4 weapons, couch shell is represent the sound of victory over chaos, dissus represent the invincible weapon given him by indra = sky god, club represent his power, small ball represent the earth.Vhisu’s wife is Lusmy is the god of wealth and good fortune and the leader of Apsaras.
          Two is Siva is the god who destroyed the world and bring each calpa with his dance of destruction, bringing rebirth. Siva’s wife is Uma. Sometime Siva is represented as a 10 arm man with his dance of destruction the universe. Siva occupied the east direction.
          Three is Phrama we can recognizable by his 4 faces each one faces to each direction and he occupied the south direction. For 5 entrances to the first level is 350 m flank by Naga with front heads and back heads, Naga with front heads represented of sunrise and rebirth. Naga with back heads represented sunset and death. After Naga there are two library ones on the right and another one on the left. The right library for keeping valuable statues and something to worship to Siva and Vhisu. The left library for keeping something to worship to Siva and Phrama.
          After the library we can see Angkor’s peaks only 3 in middle represent Siva on the right represent phrama on the left represent Vhisu. But Buddhism these 3 peaks represent Buddha Dhamma and monks. After we finished looking at the 3 peaks we go on forward and we can see 2 pools one on the right another one on the left, the pool on the right it name’s Borkhaneiy represent the light of knowledge of art. The pools on the left its name is Soraswateiy represent sacred light for curing illness.
          North and west section is one scene of a combat between Rama and Ravana in Ramayana story. This war is in Lanka city which Ravana’s city. Haknuman’s troops travelled from the left to fight with Asura. Rama is the leader of this combat and he is the husband of Sita and he fights to liberate Sita from Lanka city. Rama is recantation of Vhisu and Sita is recantation of Laksmeiy. Haknuman’s the leader of monkey troops. Laksmana is Rama’s brother.  Pipet is Ravana’s brother and pipet is a predictor in Lanka city and he predicted to free Sita from Lanka city so Ramvana will be killed by the Sita’s husband. This made Ravana very angry and took off his shoes and hit pipet’s head. This made very angry and he fled from Lanka city to go into Rama’s troop. Rama is standing on hakuman’s shoulder and firing arrow at Ravana.Ravana has 20 arms multi heads.
          South and west section is the story Mahababharata in Kurukshetra city northern India. This combat is finished in 18 days between 2 rivals’ clans Kauravas advancing from the left and Pendavas from the right. In 10 days of fighting Bhisma the commander in chief of Kauravas died. After Bhisma died a Bhraman named Drona charya leading Kauravas after Bhisma’s death. His hair tied back in a top knot and wielding the bow. In the button the fighting is hand to hand, Karnak died on his chariot while he tried to free his struck wheel. When he does so he is killed by Arjuna the leader of pendavas firing an arrows from his chariot. Arjuna is recantation of Vhisu his charioteer has 4 arms he is crisna and he’s a recantation of Vhisu. Near the end of this scene Bhima is commander of pendavas carrying a shield bearing of Rahu face.
          North Bay over the door is one scene about Ramayana story while Rama and Sita were in the forest. When demon Marricha disguised himself into golden deer. And while Sita saw golden deer and she suggested Rama to fire at the golden deer. The golden deer was wounded by an arrow and ran into the forest and Rama chased the golden deer. When the Sita was alone in the forest Ravana abducted Sita from Rama to Lanka city.
          South pavilion and west direction is one scene about Crisna lifting Gavadhana mountain. Crisna and his young brother Balarama are the recantation of Vhisu and Vhisu sent them both to protect the people in Gavadhana and they both spent their childhood as hermit and they have a foster mother named Yasoda his mother obeyed Indra and Krisna didn’t obeyed the Indra and he worship only Gavadhana mountain. And Krisna destroyed the worship of Indra. This made Indra very angry and he used thunder to kill the people and animals in Gavadhana and Krisna knew this and he lifted the mountain to shelter the people and animal.
          North and west corner this one scene about churning of ocean of milk demon pulled at the head of Naga Vasaki and the gods pulled at the tail of Naga. There are 92 demon and 88 gods.
          North and west is one scene about Siva and he disguised himself as the beggar and he came among the hermits and wanted to test the hermits’ pride. All hermits’ wife is attracted to Siva this made hermits very angry and jealous.
          There is one scene nearby is one scene about a reptile over the door of Indra’s palace. Ravana disguised as this reptile because he wanted to know the magic words of opening the door and closing from Indra. As he knew these magic words when Indra when away from his palace Ravana disguised as Indra went to sleep with Indras’wife. When Indra came back and wanted to sleep with his wife as the same way, his wife said that you have just finished one. This made Indra knew everything and he told his wife what happened and his wife was furious and she killed herself without breathing.
          West over the door is one scene when Krisna was a child his foot was tied to the stone by his foster mother Yasoda Who has had enough of Krisna’s mischief.
Krisna uprooted two trees and 2 gods disguised as these states when they saw krisna dragging the stone between them and they disguised back into gods.
          South and north pavilion this is one scene about Ravana 20 arms multi heads skaking Kailasa Mountain because he wanted to show his might to Siva, and because his path was barred by Siva’s instruction and he was spending time there with his wife Uma.
          South bay west side this is one scene Siva disguised himself as a hermit on Kailasa Mountain in his meditation. Siva has a beard and he’s carrying the rosary in his hand. Uma is Siva‘s wife and she suggested Kama to fire an arrow at Siva to wake him from his meditation and this made Siva very angry that disturbed him in his meditation. And Siva killed Kama near the bottom Kama laid dying after his image firing an arrow and was mourned by his wife Rati. From that time Kama became ashes and had no shape.
          South over the door this is one scene Krisna tried to blow out the fire in Kapah forest all hermits made common magic power and become a fire serpent and this fire serpent spews out on the Kapah forest because the glow of this forest Krisna couldn’t blow out this fire and he needs the god of rain to help him and the god of rain used the rain falling on only this forest and nowhere else rained.
          East bay is one scene in Ramayana story the fighting between 2 brothers Valin and Surgriva and Rama helped Surgriva in this fighting and fired an arrow at Valin and Valin lay dying and was mourned by his wife Tara. And with mourned with wonderful face and question.
          South North Bay is one scene about Siva in his meditation this picture’s badly damaged poor condition.
          North south bay is one scene about water festival on the top 2 men are playing the chess game and below these two men the boat are rowed across the water full of fish the bottom. The women are playing with their children in front of this rowing boat a lot of people played the fighting and this game is still played now day and bet a lot of moneys.
          East over door is one scene of 4 arm man Siva received offering with different kneeling worshipers while Asuras flying overhead.
          North bay is the procession of the king Suryavarman 2 who is the temple builder and the bottom the concubine are carried on the palaguin . on the top is the officials and the king made a meeting before making this procession. In front of this procession 10 m is the king with numerous parasols riding on his elephants.
And the king keeping this rank bigger than any other figure and the commander’re riding horses and elephants and they also have the parasols but parasols are less than the king’s parasols and their named identified in small inscription. In front of this procession there’s a statue of Vhisu lifted as the flag and the musicians carrying couch shell and the fluter  and akong is carrying by 2 men and the sacred fire is carried also.  And in front of this procession the armies saw the procession of thai and their commander are riding the elephants and armed with spears and wild looking.

          The water festival is celebrated in the middle of November and these rowing boats are competed in Phnom Penh in front of the royal palace which is the biggest competition. All the competitors comes from all over the provinces in Cambodia to competed and choose number 1 2 3 there are men and women boats, and this competition will be finished in 3days. In the seconds’ night when the moon is full there are parts of praying for the moon eating flat rice and floated procession are floated full of the night and in that night we can see fireworks tossing.
          South north bay is one scene of the judgment of yama 37 heavens and 32 hells on the top is the way to heaven at the bottom is the hells and in the middle is the judgment of yama to sent to heaven or hells. Some sinners were thrown in to the trap door and plagued by the animals in hells. Someone who had aborted was punished by using the sharp pins and hit on the body.
          East is one scene of churning of ocean of milk one the left demons come to join the churning and on the right gods came to the churning. 92 Asuras and 88 gods at the bottom a Naga laid flat on the ocean to be the dyke and Naga Vasuki is willing to bind the Mondra mountain to be the cord for demons and gods pull id this churning by rotation. Before churning demons and gods had a condition if amrita water appear at the gods it belong to the gods and if appear at the demons it belong to the demons. Amrita is the immortal water if any gods or demons drink this water they can be immortal.  In this churning a demon Rahu didn’t come to join this churning and waited for good chance to get benefit and Vhisu let the gods of moon and the gods of sun tried to watch this demon during 1000 years and this churning spent 1000 years too. In the churning the gods are at the tail of Vasuki couldn’t hold Vasuki’s tail and caused the storm and rain and Vhisu ordered to rest this churning and he ordered Indra and Phrama to invite the king of the monkeys who has a great power to hold this Naga’s tail. This king of monkey named Krisapha when he came to the place of churning and he blamed all the gods and the demons that couldn’t be available to hold this tail of Naga and he boasted for himself holding only 2 fingers. This churning made the gods and demon very floppy and one celestial thing emerged from the ocean named Panacheatra flower the smell of this flower made the god and the demon received the great might.  After the gods and demon got their power back and they continued churning again and this time the churning is stronger than before and caused Mondra mountain threatened to collapsed. Below the ocean and Vishu disguised as againt turtle and swam to the bottom of the ocean to support the Mondra mountain up and Indra helped to hold on the top of the mountain to steady and continued this churning. The turtle named Kuma.
          This churning continued and the celestial thing emerged from the ocean this time three heads elephant belong to Indra ….. 3 head elephant named is Arravata and celestial thing goes on emerged this time Srilaksmeiy the wife of Vishu. And on another celestial is 5 head horse no one wanted it because it represented of a bad temper and this horse named Uchaisravas. And this churning is still go on and demons strangled by violently of the neck of Naga Vasuki caused Vasuki spewed out the poisonous on the ocean and burnt all over the gods and demon are difficult to bear with burning and Siva took his hands holdings the fire and he swallowed his made him burnt on his throat. And this churning is going on one more this time emerged Amrita water at the demons and Apsaras emerged after the Amrita and dancing in the air to attract the demons and demons didn’t drink this Amrita and they looked at pretty girls dancing in the air and Vhisnu disguised as an Apsaras and he disguised again as the wind to smatch Amrita from the demons and brought to the gods drinking and demon Rahu went down to drink the Amrita and the god of  the moon and the god of the sun told this to Vhisu and vhisu used his discus to cut Rahu’s heads and this made Rahu very angry with the god of the moon and the god of the sun and he said if he met them in the daytime swallowed in daytime if he met them at night swallowed them at night.


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